The Fog Warning Blog

Words fail me….

Sometimes it’s about the words. But more often it’s all about the pix. Especially these pix, taken just this week in Rotterdam.

Our 42-knot Zeelander 55 (#7) ships out on a freighter on July 7th. You will have your opportunity to see (and sea trial) her at our Norwalk CT docks on the afternoon of July 15th.

Just launch a flare for your private (and medically safe) reservation.

You can see her complete specifications and equipment list right HERE.

Alright, enough with the words. Now just gaze (and if you’d like an additional fifty hi-res pix, just ask)….

More To Explore

They call them pro’s …

… for a reason. Last week I had the pleasure of coordinating a professional photo shoot for my 2017 Alerion 41 brokerage listing. In my

That “Two Happiest Days” Myth…

Personally, I’ve never bought into that whole “The two happiest days of a boater’s life are….” line. I sold my sailboat two seasons ago, and

Now is the time…

Some exciting news today, presenting my loyal friends, clients and readers with a true value play. The Florida owner of this pristine 2018 Long Island

Thrills and Chills, Shows and Tells….

Right off, a cheerful welcome to all my long-time friends, fans and clients. But an especially joyous greeting today to all my brand new fans.