The Fog Warning Blog

Now is the time…

Some exciting news today, presenting my loyal friends, clients and readers with a true value play. The Florida owner of this pristine 2018 Long Island Yachts 25 Runabout…


has just dropped her price by $10,000. With a replacement value of $336,000 (and a projected new build time of eleven months) this [now] $225,000 brokerage model is a very rare opportunity. I am certain she will be the subject of my next snoozeagram, so now is your opportunity to ruin the day of all my otherwise snoozing clients!

If you would like to see her (and you should) just launch a flare.

Meanwhile, here is her complete listing. 

Ciao for now, one and all. However much on the run, I always make time for you.

Take care!


Big Wave Dave




More To Explore

Thrills and Chills, Shows and Tells….

Right off, a cheerful welcome to all my long-time friends, fans and clients. But an especially joyous greeting today to all my brand new fans. 

The what and the why [Part I]

My Clients I learn from my clients every single day. The range and diversity of their business and yachting experiences; the knowledge and insights they

Pay to play?

My two lawyer-children tell me that there is an exception to the hearsay rule of evidence called an “Admission against interest.” If you are saying