Hartman Yachts Livingstone 24 has been called:
“The pocket explorer yacht that dares to be different.”
Hartman Yachts is a sixth generation Dutch builder. Their rock-solid builds share the same DNA with the commercial freighters they build and operate around the world. Hartman’s freighters routinely run from Holland to the Falkland Islands, in all conditions, on time and on budget. Their reliability and dependability is a direct result of robust steel construction, intelligent engineering, and reliable back-up systems. This sort of reliability-at-any-price is required for profitable offshore commercial work. It is even more necessary for true explorer yachts, like the Livingstone 24:

The full Livingstone 24 listing can be seen here:
Where you’ll also find exciting information on the Livingstone 34:
The Livingstone 42:
And the Admunsen Explorer Series, including the 26
The 35:
And the Amundsen 42: