The Fog Warning Blog

Back to the future!


How’s this for a Back-to-the-Future development, loyal readers? I have again surrendered myself to the beauty and value of Turkish-built yachts! I am thrilled to have joined Reliant Yachts, of Newport, Rhode Island in their goal of bringing a stunning line of sail and power yachts built by Istanbul’s Su Marine to the global market. These pix will go a long way to explaining my excitement:


Reliant Yachts Commuter 40
Commuter 40
A view of the Reliant aesthetic, a Su Marine 75′ ketch
A sparking example of a Herreshoff-style interior
Our custom approach: You draw it on a napkin….


And those are just some examples of what’s already been splashed. Here are some samples of what’s on our drawing boards today:


The Reliant 60 Flybridge
The Reliant 60 Motor Yacht
The design that keeps me up at night: The Reliant 75 Classic!

It’s going to be a thrilling ride, and I’m thrilled and honored to have you along with me. In the weeks to come (before we proudly display the Commuter 40 at the Palm Beach Boat Show) I will be writing about some pretty cool stuff, including:

  • A formal introduction to the principals, Dave MacFarlane and Jim Ewing, two guys responsible, most recently, for all that Alden Yachts achieved on the water and in the marketplace. I am honored to be associated with these industry legends. I can say with complete certainty that between the three of us there is virtually nothing in the yacht biz – new and brokerage, Stateside and globally – that we don’t have fully covered. Nothing shines like competence.
  • Three very intriguing high tech designs (all 40’ers) that we just sold at the Monaco Boat Show. I’m asking you to trust me until you see them, because you have seen nothing like these boats.
  • A complete exploration of Su Marine, and all that they do. I first stepped aboard one of their yachts on the Bosporus way back in 2003. Their chief designer, Tanju Kalaycıoğlu, walked me through that yacht, and I never forgot the level of craftsmanship I saw that day. The thought that this is reproducible here for my clients is a tremendously exciting one.

So stay tuned! But for the moment, I will leave you with this little gift:

So ciao for … wait, wait, not yet…. first a brief word about by my Hinckley experiences.

I was delighted to open Hinckley’s first-ever office in New York last year. I loved working in Southampton, not far from my home and boat.  They are a great company, with great boats and warm people. That office is permanently closed now, but I am grateful for the experience and all that I learned there.

But more than that, I am very excited to spread my wings again in areas I couldn’t at Hinckley – the freedom to list and sell brokerage boats (I missed that) as well as big boats and sail (ditto, ditto).

Towards that end, please stay tuned for information on Reliant’s brokerage arm, and how I can help you with all that floats.

Until then, you know the drill – Need anything? Just launch a flare! And thanks, as always, for rolling with me….


More To Explore

They call them pro’s …

… for a reason. Last week I had the pleasure of coordinating a professional photo shoot for my 2017 Alerion 41 brokerage listing. In my

That “Two Happiest Days” Myth…

Personally, I’ve never bought into that whole “The two happiest days of a boater’s life are….” line. I sold my sailboat two seasons ago, and

Now is the time…

Some exciting news today, presenting my loyal friends, clients and readers with a true value play. The Florida owner of this pristine 2018 Long Island

Thrills and Chills, Shows and Tells….

Right off, a cheerful welcome to all my long-time friends, fans and clients. But an especially joyous greeting today to all my brand new fans.