The Fog Warning Blog

Six footers…

I know a terrific delivery Captain, a Vicem specialist  (I suppose I am too, in a different way) who taught me alot over the years. On Vicem’s alone, my guess is that he has 10,000 delivery miles under his belt. He told me once that the toughest conditions he ever experienced was bringing this boat, a Vicem 65 Classic ….

… up the Delaware River to the C&D Canal one fall straight into a nor’easter. It was a classic wind-against-tide scenario. As he put it,

“Some days you need an aircraft carrier.”

Well, here is the marine forecast for that same trip this week:


Note the five and six footers, with 30 to 35 knot winds,  predicted for this Tuesday and Wednesday.

The very days I was set to bring our Long Island Yachts 33 Runabout from Cape May to Annapolis! 


For context, here is my experience moving much bigger, heavier boats through seven and eight footers:



These boats weighed fifteen to twenty times what our 33 Runabout displaces. Which is why, discretion being the better part of valor (especially when singlehanding) I realized today that we are …

….not going to make it to the Annapolis Show this week. 

My apologies to all who hoped to see here there. But knowing readers of The Fog Warning Blog as I do, I know you all understand. I will be at the show this weekend, sans bateau, so please let me know if you are in attendance, and need tickets. I’ll even let you buy me a compensatory painkiller at Pusser’s:


On the subject of crappy weather, last week Long Island Yachts had its third annual Owner’s Rendezvous. Earlier conclaves included a trip across the Channel to London, and a cruise up the Danube across Europe. This time, a trip from Rotterdam to Antwerp, Belgium where a great time was had by all despite the fact that the weather was …. crappy. As one who is in Holland every six weeks or so, I’ll say here that first, I have gotten used to that. And second, I’ve had some amazing surprises, as well. But when the Dutch build boats that blossom under this heading:

Built for the North Sea, and now delivered to your seas!

clearly they know how to make the best of things. As proof, as you go on this photo safari with me today, just note the bright smiles against somewhat darker and stormier backgrounds:

You’ll also note here the preponderance of Long Island Sportsman models. I really have not given the Sportsman enough attention this year, and going through the Antwerp photos I feel a little guilty about that. I think it just took me awhile to figure them out. I’m not really a center console boater (although I love my flats boat) but the NJ owner of this 25 Sportsman put it in a very clear and useful context for me this week …

Long Island Yachts Sportman 25 is a touring yacht built in the Netherlands.


…. when he said “Dave, she is not really a center console boat. This is what she really is:

“A Gentleman’s Open Yacht.”

So you will be hearing more and more for me on The Fog Warning Blog as I search for gentlemen who wanted to be treated right in crappy weather! Find me at the Annapolis Show this weekend and I’ll share more of this recent sea-change within me. And, on the subject of the Annapolis Show let me say ….

… of course Vicem will be at the show!

They will be there with their consummate express yacht, the Vicem 46 Classic.

If you would like some private time aboard her this weekend, just launch a flare and I’ll reserve us a quality experience.

Let me close today by saying that you have not lost your opportunity to see our 33 Runabout again. Next week she will be brought to her heated, indoor  home in Bridgeport CT. She, and I, are at your disposal all winter should you like a long and careful look at her.

Otherwise, ciao for now, and I hope to see you at the show. Next week, details about your coming Fort Lauderdale Boat Show experience.

Stay safe, like your loyal host and blogger …


                         Safety Dave!


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