The Fog Warning Blog

No bad boat reviews?

Some twenty + years ago, finding myself a woefully under-educated newbie yacht broker, I dedicated myself to reading every boat review I could find, sail and power, past and present. A few hundred hours later I was struck by the fact that I hadn’t come across a single negative review anywhere, with the big-flashing-light exception of Practical Sailor, a no-advertisement, subscription-only journal.

Such is the power and reality of ad dollars, I concluded.

Now, while absolute objectivity in business is an impossibly high bar, my disappointment in our industry led me fifteen years ago (!?!) to launch the Fog Warning Blog, directing it towards answering what I saw as yachting’s pivotal questions:

What makes a yacht great, and why? Who makes a great yacht, and how?

Today, on this last day of 2022, I find myself better educated about both yachts and publishing. I may even have, dare I say, a more balanced understanding of the entire boat review ecosystem?  Because these days I find that reading between the lines of reviews from the best magazines, crafted by the very best journalists and editors, I can distill which boats they don’t like, and why (especially if I know the reviewed boat well).

Which all brings me to Bill Springer. Now, while I have never met him in person, I have been a studious fan of his work for a long time. He’s what sportscasters used to call “a wily veteran.” Back in the day I found his reviews in Cruising World magazine a breath of fresh air, because he [respectfully, tactfully] had a flair for calling ’em as he saw ’em, both balls and strikes. I am pleased to see that he is still reviewing boats, now as Senior Contributor at Forbes Magazine.

And from Forbes today I bring you Springer’s astonishing review of the J Craft 42 Torpedo. What can I say but that he still calls a strike when he see’s one:

“In fact, all I can say from firsthand experience, it’s hard to find another design that combines the elegance, craftsmanship, comfort, power, control, seaworthiness and the almost mystical X-factor that J Craft Yachts do.”

I called his review  “astonishing,” above. Let me know if you agree:



Want to embrace your own “inner James Bond?” Then join me at the end of January at the J Craft factory in Gotland, Sweden to see where and how all the magic happens. I fully expect that you will find yourself agreeing with Springer’s conclusion:

“As one of the lucky ones who’s been able to test drive 100’s of new boats over the last twenty years or so, I’ve never experienced anything as satisfying or stimulating as the feeling of speed and style that I felt at the helm of the J Craft Torpedo.”

In advance of a trip to Sweden, I’ll suggest two ways to begin your digital explorations. First, this wonderful Torpedo photo gallery:



And second, the listing for my 2012  J Craft Torpedo, Natalia, currently (not all that far away from Gotland) in St. Tropez:



Whether it be Sweden or France, just launch a flare for all the details of our yacht-exploring itinerary.

In closing, I wish you all a wonderful New Years Eve (as you’ll see below, my celebration has already begun in Mexico City) and a wonderful 2023. And stand by next week for news of the rest of our January trip, which will add Rotterdam and Düsseldorf to the mix (and perhaps, Istanbul?).


Big Wave Dave


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