The Fog Warning Blog

New listing, latest ad, great video…


I am psyched to have this new listing, because it is a boat I have spent many happy hours on – Ruthie B, the 2007 Vicem 58 Flybridge:

She is up in Maine at the moment, and I will be displaying her at the Newport, Norwalk and Annapolis Boat Shows (more on these shows, below).   She has had a new paint job and looks wonderful.  The full listing can be seen at:

I know this boat like the back of my hand, so please don’t hesitate to call with questions.


Have you seen our latest ad in this month’s Yachting? You can see it here.

Latest Yachting Magazine Ad


Our Fall Boat Show Schedule and line up is now set. Just seven weeks to go!

The Newport Boat show runs from September 15th through the 18th. We will be displaying the following boats:

Vicem 72 Flybridge

Vicem 58 – Vanderbilt’s amazing interior

Vicem 58 – Ruthie B.

From September 22nd through the 25th we will be at the Norwalk Boat Show, displaying the 72 and the 58 FB.

Those same boats can be seen at the Annapolis Show from October 13th through the 16th. I look forward to catching up with you all at these shows.


Although I am asked to reconsider all the time, we don’t build sailboats.  We’ve done over 100 boats so far, but not one with a sail.  This week a client of mine put Galileo his 123 foot S&S sailboat up for sale, and he asked me to take a look at her.  My daughter and I were blown away.  If Vicem built a sailboat, the interiors of this one would be our goal:

Salon of Galileo – S&S 123

She reminds me a bit of Essence, our Vicem 85 listing. Come to think of it, Essence’s owner came to us from a similarly sized sailboat.
You can see the full sailboat listing below, but by all means let me know if you would like more information:

For comparison’ sake, here is a shot from Essence:

Lower Salon, Vicem 85 – Essence

The full V85 listing can be seen at:


Just for fun, my new favorite video.

You know, our boats are built by hand.  There is very little “assembly line” to it, and if you look carefully no two of our boats are ever 100% alike. It is not  improvisational, of course,  but our owners tell us the process is part of the charm of it all. When I saw this video, it reminded me of Vicem. Why?  Because improvising is very hard.  But creating something to appear completely improvised is even harder. I think Fred Astaire would have appreciated a Vicem:

For you jazz fans, that’s Bud Powell on the piano.

That’s it for now. Some big news coming up in the next few weeks.

See ya.

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