The Fog Warning Blog

Dave’s Blog, 2.0!


It is with a great measure of pleasure and exhaustion that I report that our Fall season has concluded.  I have had the fun of speaking with hundreds of my clients and blog readers this Fall.  To each I asked the question: “Am I being a pest?”  

Over and over again I heard how interested my clients are in the contents of this blog, and in all things Vicem. So I am challenging myself in the next year to work even harder on this blog, to present more depth, substance and weight for my clients.  It is my goal to have the best informed clients in the industry. Now, why would I want that?

Well, here it goes, the new weighty version (applies to me, too, I am told):

I. Our Latest Splash

I received some wonderful pix this week of our latest splash – a Bahama Bay 58.  Fans of the IPS Bahama Bay 54 will love it, and recognize what the extra four feet provides:

She is the owners’ third Vicem in ten years, and she will cruise the Med for a few before she comes to her Florida home. This low maintenance, IPS drive yacht is a winner. Please feel free to call me with any questions about the Bahama Bay line, IPS drives, etc.

II. Our Next Splash

I am very excited that our Vicem 100 Cruiser will splash in less than eight weeks! I now have a 15 page brochure available, covering full plans, specifications, and a detailed equipment list.  It is a lot to take in, and it is worth every bit of viewing.  Here it is in PDF format, and of course I can email it to you as well:

V100 Opt 

III. And in July:

I will be off to Turkey this summer for the biggest and best sea trial of all – Our Vulcan 46 Meter Megayacht. That’s 151 feet of Vicem! I have an amazing and complete planning document for you, the “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Our 46M But Where Afraid To Ask” report. It runs over 80 pages, and I am quite proud of our team for producing it. Just click on:

Vicem 46m Opt 

IV. Great Article about Vicem Construction Methods

We are featured herein, describing why the Cold Molded Process is the best choice for a quality yacht, and why Vicem is among the best in the world at it! I almost got teary reading it!

USA_Yachts International Nov-Dic 2012

Well, that’s it for now. Meanwhile, you know the drill – Any questions or comments, just launch a flare.


More To Explore

They call them pro’s …

… for a reason. Last week I had the pleasure of coordinating a professional photo shoot for my 2017 Alerion 41 brokerage listing. In my

That “Two Happiest Days” Myth…

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Now is the time…

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Thrills and Chills, Shows and Tells….

Right off, a cheerful welcome to all my long-time friends, fans and clients. But an especially joyous greeting today to all my brand new fans.