The Fog Warning Blog

A marvelous photo, and some fun vids

I. How about this?

Behind a V52, Miami

This great shot was taken yesterday morning, off the owner’s house in Miami. Great shutter control! Here is his boat, the first 52 we built with a helm door:

V52, on the Bosporus

The boat is not for sale, but can be seen in Florida and around the Bahamas if you are curious about her.

II. I’m told it is pretty clear to the world that I love my Vicem’s and my job. The aspect of my job I love the most is new custom builds.  Watching a boat go from cocktail napkin sketch, to finished plans, to finished boat is a terribly exciting process.  And with the growth of our company, it now takes only about 60% of the time it used to.  Here is an example I dug up this week, while remembering the fun of designing and building the V70 I mentioned in my last posting:

The before…

…and the after.

The full and newly updated listing can be found at:

III. A couple of posts ago I talked about a new listing – Ruthie B, a 2007 V58 Flybridge. Last night I worked up a Comp Pricing Report – what it would cost to build an exact copy today. It came to more than $2,600,000. The seller is asking under a million dollars. The full listing can be seen at:

Frankly I do not expect her to remain on the market for her Newport Boat Show exhibiting. Call quick or you’ll be on the wrong end of one of my “You snooze, you lose” emails.

IV.  I’m heading down to Key Largo in mid-August for two days of diving.  My diving clients out there – you know who you are – by all means join me.  I have not been under water since the Vicem rendezvous in the Bahamas last year.  Here is a great four  minute video of the scary shark dive during that great week (the shaking camera is entirely my fault, and I believe fully justified):

V. And finally, as you may have read a few weeks ago, I just got back from an amazing and uplifting trip to Haiti to review the status of our school construction.  This morning I recieved an advance copy of a wonderful four minute video summing up our last trip:

As you’ll see, we are making great progress, but we have far to go.

That’s all for now.  You know the drill –  If you have any questions, just launch a flare.


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