The Gorilla in the Room

Our commitment to carbon neutal emission standards that apply to yachts.

Two wonderful book recommendations this week, loyal readers. Their common theme is … genius! This first book jumped out at me from a glowing review in the Wall Street Journal earlier this year: The Making of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, by Piers Bizony. This is a stunning coffee table book, ingeniously packaged in its own […]

You snooze, you lose!

I. A Very Rare Opportunity –  I used to be known for a particular phrase in this biz (and no, not launch a flare, which I still delight in using). This other phrase had travelled far enough around that boaters I’d never met would quote it to me at boat shows: You snooze, you lose! […]

I have a haddock (II)

I. Headache-free Ownership – Yes, I’m opening this post the same way I closed the last one. If you laughed last week, get ready to laugh some more: Why, you may ask,  all this talk about headaches in what is supposed to be a yachting blog? A bunch of years ago I sold a dealer […]